Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blog #2

I have decided to change the topic of my interest to something a little more along the lines of something like the devil's advocate. I plan to write about privatization from the other spectrum. This means that I hope to focus on privatization as the result of a faulty and outdated American ideology, that in order to be successful, one must receive the highest education possible which usually translates to attending college and possibly even graduate school. This ideology has resulted in not just more Americans attending school but a higher percentage of the population enrolling in higher education. Inherently, many of these people increasingly so do not have the financial means to attend school. Additionally, increased attendance has had the effect of dispersing or diluting federal funding. This means that the number and amount of private loans has had to increase. Furthermore, as more students attend and graduate from college, the value of a college degree will decrease thus requiring to students to enroll in graduate school programs thus compounding the accumulation of debt. As a result, students are spending a great deal of their working lives attending school, trying to earn an education, while accruing massive debts, and then having to apply for a job for which they are usually far to qualified. This has breed a society which is not only frustrated but is under constant stress due to the requirements of the schooling system. We are creating  a population which is not suited for the work/economy/ jobs that need to be filled.

I have found some sources via epscohost that support of this abridged theory: Bubble Trouble by Carol Iannone- the cost of college and the education that is obtained from it
AND EXPERIENCES OF STRESS PRIOR TO AND THROUGH THE COLLEGE CAREER. by KREIG, DANA BALSINKI- expenses for the post college graduate and what is expected of them in our society 

Controversy: Yes, the stance that I will be taking is a more conservative opinion of the American education system and funding higher education. The more moderate and liberal view of education is discussed in the opposite terms which can be summarized in the following: each has the right to the best education that they can earn despite financial burdens (gov. should remove economic barriers) and that privatization should be decreased dramatically etc. 

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