Sunday, December 14, 2014

Blog Post #6

Perry, Mark J. "Carpe Diem: Higher Education Bubble: College Tuition Doubled Over the Last 10 Years vs. +52% for Medical Care." Web log post. CARPE DIEM. Mark J Perry, 22 July 2011. Web. 14 Dec. 2014. 

This image will be used to graphically depict the steep rise in the cost of education. It will demonstrate that the rate of inflation for tuition is much greater than many other sectors. This increase is unjustified. The market cannot support such an increase. Ultimately, this will show the detrimental effects of privatization on higher education. Not only are schools more expensive due to high demand to attend them but now students must receive ever larger loans in order to pay for an education that is rapidly becoming to expensive. The price does not match the reward. 
Additionally, it matches well with Reynolds' argument about the higher education bubble but I will go into further detail about that subject during the essay. 

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